Wednesday, November 13, 2002

From the In Box: Street Art II
Dallas spends $50,000 at each new rail station for art designed to reflect the local community -- pillars, sculptures, mosaics, etc. DART also sponsors poetry contests periodically -- winners are then printed on colorful posters and displayed inside buses and trains. One of the winners has also won the national poetry slam. NYC transit has some cool stuff, too (if you know where to look). Took a great tour a couple of years ago. If you are really interested, the American Public Transit Association could connect you with locations of interesting transit art here and overseas. Oh yeah -- not a train station, but I came through the Copenhagen airport last year. Very cool art, including a large raku fountain in a terminal lobby and a flock of large multi-colored fused-glass seagulls suspended in a sunny concourse. -- Terri Adkisson

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