Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Magazine Me XVII
CXO Media Inc., the IDG division that publishes CIO magazine, just launched a magazine targeting chief security officers called, you guessed it, CSO. Timed to synchronize with the anniversary of 911, the September 2002 premiere issue outlines the purpose of the publication, and features touch on the Freedom of Information Act, biometrics, disaster recovery, and related topics. Mary Lester's design is clean and straight-forward but avoids being overly stodgy or heavy-handed. And CSO succeeds in what the other CXO periodicals have done well for years -- putting a face and personality behind an acronym-ridden executive mindset. Equal parts personality profiles and useful case studies that offer tactics, tips, and tricks other business leaders will find useful, CSO balances the usual technology management gibberish with an extremely confident human flair. It'll be interesting to see where this new title goes.

Full disclosure: I used to work for CIO.

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