Friday, May 16, 2003

From the In Box: Books Worth a Look XII

On your site (which is very nicely designed and informative, by the way), I found you had written this regarding Skydark Spawn.

Another of the men's adventure series published monthly by Gold Eagle, a division of Harlequin, this is one of the few series not ghostwritten by mulitple authors

Actually, Deathlands has been written by multiple authors since 1995. There have been eight writers spread out over 30-odd books since Stoneface.

Skydark Spawn was the first Deathlands novel written by Edo Van Belkom, and from what I've seen posted on the review section of, the book appears to be not very well received. Actually, that's putting it mildly.

The Destroyer [series] was/is written primarily by one author as well as the Outlanders series, which also bears the James Axler house name. Since James Axler does not exist and never has, people who write books under that name are not ghostwriters, they're contributors.

So Deathlands most decidely
is a multiple author series. Although Outlanders and the Destroyer have occasionally featured books by fill-in writers, those are the only two series still primarily guided by single authors.

In the case of Outlanders, the author who originated it is still writing it which makes it unique among Gold Eagle's current output.

So...I'm just sayin'...
-- Anonymous Media Dietician

Interesting! Thanks for setting me straight. I'll have to check in front of the book to see if someone is thanked for their contributions to the work -- the modus operandi in the Executioner series at least. When reading the book -- and previous editions in the series -- I don't recall tips of the hat to writers. I continue to be fascinated by series books, particularly the Gold Eagle line. If only they would offer single series subscriptions!

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