Thursday, April 11, 2002

'Tis the Season to Be... AWOL II
Tomorrow early, I head to Greensboro, North Carolina, for a Company of Friends event at Guilford College. Sunday, I fly back to Boston and then on to Italy, where I'll be speaking about and leading a workshop on sustainable community design at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea.

According to my parents and the Overseas Security Advisory Council, the three major labor unions in Italy -- which claim 12 million members -- have called a general strike for April 16, the day of my panel discussion and workshop. Quoth the OSAC, "The eight-hour stoppage is expected in most Italian cities and could cause transportation delays." Good thing I arrive April 15 and depart April 18. Fingers crossed that I'll get in and out without a hitch!

Anyway, I said all that to say that chances are good I won't be online much for the next, um, week. While I hope to update Media Diet while traveling, if I don't, that doesn't mean that Media Diet is dead (long live Media Diet!). It just means that it's resting. I'll be back on the attack next Friday, April 19, for sure.

(And lest you wonder, my parents have no connection with the OSAC. They just look out for me.)

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