Monday, April 08, 2002

From the In Box: Anchormen, Aweigh! V
I've got some bad news from White Collar Crime: The tour is cancelled. At 4 a.m. [Friday] morning after our first gig in Baltimore, our van caught fire. It had run out of gas, and there's a complex process for getting it started again that went horribly awry. The flames spread quickly, and the entire van was burnt out. No one was hurt, but we lost some equipment, books, CDs, and almost all 2,000 copies of the new White Collar Crime newspaper.

Sorry to all the fine people who helped us put together shows for April 2002.

We'll be back, and we hope to see you then. We will return, a bit smarter, a bit older.

Thanks for being there, and sorry we won't see each other. We were really looking forward to it. After the tears, the pain, the loss, and the haunting, sour smell of smoke, there is hope.
-- Sander Hicks

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