Monday, August 12, 2002

The Restaurant I Ate at Last Night X
After a slow-starting morning and a chore-filled afternoon following one of the most fun house parties I've been to for awhile, I met up with Kurt and Geraldine for dinner at John Harvard's Brewing Co.. The company and conversation was wonderful, but I wasn't that taken with the restaurant itself. The mixed greens salad I ordered was tasty enough -- I highly recommend the balsamic vinagrette dressing -- but the "special" I ordered for my entree was a little lackluster. I had the chicken farfalle pasta dish for several reasons -- the farfalle (my favorite pasta), the tomatoes, and the chicken tenders -- and I was surprised how bland the dish was. Despite a light sauce and menu-mentioned garlic, the entree could certainly have flavored more strongly. That said, everyone else seemed to enjoy their meals fine: calamari, chicken crispadillas with hoison sauce, and the chicken pot pie. I should have ordered the chicken pot pie.

I go to the library at night.

After hanging out at the table for awhile, we all headed to Kurt and Geraldine's car. We crossed Harvard Common as the crickets were chirping -- a wonderful summer sound you don't hear often in the city -- and walked down the tree-lined Harvard Street to find the car jam packed with laundry baskets. It took us awhile to repack the car so all of us would fit inside, but we were eventually successful. Even though I didn't get a chance to see Kurt and Geraldine's new place -- and they only saw the outside of my building -- it was good to catch up with them.

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