From the Inbox
I stumbled across your blog when updating my own -- yours came up on the "recently updated" section and I recognized the name, but wasn't sure. Are you the same Heath Row who writes for Fast Company? -- Keith Berman, July 10
I am. Do we know each other? -- Heath
Unfortunately, no. I'm a former PR guy (don't worry, this isn't a pitch, this is strictly non-business) so I've seen your name around a lot as well as read your stuff in Fast Company, which I liked, and I've always found it interesting to see what writers are like off the clock, so it was great to see that you have a blog. Meeting and chatting with Scott Kirsner (I seriously doubt he remembers me with all the people he's met though) actually made me appreciate his columns and articles more.
How'd you hook up with your band? I'm looking for a band to sing with as well, though my style leans more towards alternative than punk, so if you have any suggestions of places to look (besides the Phoenix), I'd welcome suggestions. Thanks!
Huh. I've never started a band with anyone other than friends, so I don't know what advice I can offer. You might check out a couple of local mailing lists -- Newconcerts offers notices of local events, as well as other indie-pop news; and Blisscent is a new-ish list that concentrates on "dreampop and shoegazer projects." You might also flier in places that you think might be frequented by the kinds of folks you'd like to play with. Does anyone else have other advice? Share.