Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Five Years Down

Today, this very day, marks the five-year anniversary of Media Diet's beginning.

I began blogging on June 27, 2001, inspired by the chance to meet with Blogger cofounder Evan Williams.

Evan has since moved on to help launch the podcasting pioneer Odeo, yet I remain loyal, even continuing to use one of the service's earliest templates.

I remain in touch with the current Blogger team -- I call them the Jasons -- and I love the service like little else online. (OK, Stewart, Flickr is rad, too.)

Gods bless Blogger. And blogging.

P.S. Double thanks to Jon Ferguson and the previously taken-advantage-of Cardhouse for support over all these years. I still consider myself a contributor to your house of cards.

P.P.S. And if you want to keep up with all things Heath, check out my personal Squidoo lens.


Edward Vielmetti said...

Go Heath go!

Anonymous said...

Phuck off Lunch is Fun turd nobody is interested in your crap. Go out and make frends.

Farq www.thebollocks.com

Jason Shellen said...

Nice work Heath. I remember those days well, I think we met when you brought the roadshow to the first (and almost last) Weblog User Group meeting in Mountain View. You are still one of the fastest conference bloggers I know. Hope to see you again soon. 23 Squidoo to you.

Anonymous said...

why is Farq from the bollocks so angry? Alas for him.