Saturday, October 26, 2002

From the In Box: Music to My Ears IV
I met and did a shitty interview with Mistle Thrush about a year ago, pulled out "Drunk With You" again tonight, and am loving "Jody Stone." Valerie, I know, is a huge fan of Tom Waits (especially "Closing Time") and Nick Cave. I write for a few Boston rags and work for Bullpen Promotions, which promotes extreme metal (not really my bag) to radio; the dude who runs Bullpen is the lead singer for Shadows Fall, and he's a big fan of early Mistle Thrush. Just goes to show how truly unclassifiable that band is. Anyhoo, was cruising around the Net, listening to an old disc and had nothing better to do, and just wanted to give a shout and say good review. -- Mike Baldino

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